Some Guidelines For Parents

> Parents should try to sit down and eat together and so introduce alcohol in a relaxed convivial family setting

> Drink in moderation and set an example

> Encourage self respect and social interaction

> Encourage your young adult to discover models of positive drinking patterns outside the home

> Provide guidance and reassurance as young adults enter high risk environments. If they are partying at friends houses, make sure you know adults are present and the drinks are supervised. Make sure parties are supervised at your own home.

> Tell them not to accept drinks from strangers and never leave a drink unattended in case it is spiked.

> Explain how excessive drinking can effect friendships, social life and can result in antisocial behaviour and even a police record.

> It is important for young people, especially girls, who mix drinks more, to understand the different amounts of alcohol in various drinks, especially spirits.

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